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Cured Trout Recipe

In my latest trip into the cookbook that is this wonderful internet, I found a curing technique for trout that is very easy to do. It is also a very different style of trout prepping than I think most folks are used to at home. --- So, what is curing? Well, it is essentially the act of drawing out any moisture from the flesh while also killing any possible bacteria that may exist in there. For this, you need some salt, sugar, citrus zest (Lemon, Lime, Orange, etc.) and various herbs for flavoring. There are multiple different recipes out there, and this one is no different. This one below is relatively open ended, and ultimately you can use this as a backbone for really any kind of curing. The biggest piece is keeping equal parts sugar and salt, and making sure citrus is involved. That all being said, I hope this presents a new opportunities to try preparing your fish in a way you have not before. Prep Time: 5-10 minutes Cure Time: 12 hours Ingredients: 1-2 trout fillets,...

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